THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING DIALOGUE ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 KOTA SOLOK A PROPOSAL Submitted as an examination of research method in English Education Section Written By: DEWI ZONITA PUTRI 2313.080 Lecturer: Febria Sri Artika, S. S., M. Pd ENGLISH EDUCATION SECTION INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (IAIN) SJECH M. DJAMIL DJAMBEK BUKITTINGGI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem Speaking skill is the capability of someone to communicate or to have a dialogue orally with the others individually or in group. It is important in English learning, without speaking skills, students cannot practice their English fluently and also the students will be failed in communicating with other if they are not able to speak. Speaking is not only for students’ interaction, but also needs the participant of the teacher. Speaking can help students to extend their ideas, opinion or another. In speaking skill, the teacher hopes the students can present the oral text to practice it in front of the class. By speaking English, students will get more vocabularies, the fluency and the accuracy. As a result, the more students speak, the more they speak fluently, the more they get the more vocabularies. The dialogue is not just used by the students in the class base on the teacher command, they also can use their dialogue outside of the classroom with their friends two persons or more for example they are talking or discussing about their lesson. The ultimate goal of the dialogue is to make the students can speak fluently like a native-speaker, to make the students be more creative in their speaking, to enrich the students with some new vocabularies in their daily day, to get the correct pronunciation, and also to get the true grammatical structure. As insisted “Dialogue is essentially a practice and discipline of creative conversation. The word ‘dialogue’ is often used very loosely to denote any kind of conversation between two or more people.” It means when the students speak with their friends, they do not only speak up to them without correct pronunciation and true grammatical structure, but also they have to pay attention to the sentences they speak. By using the dialogue activities in improving students’ speaking skill, it is expected that the students will get the fluency in their speaking with the true grammatical structure, the dialogue activity can improve students’ ability in speaking English, because this activity is not only used for formal things such as the exercise that the teacher gave to the students to practice the dialogue in front of the class with their pair two or more, but also used to entertain someone or their friends in the class for instance the teacher ask the student to make a group for drama and practice it in front the class then the teacher listen to their speaking, from listening the teacher can evaluate their pronunciation. As the Speroni argues in Geoffrey, a dialogue is like poetry (in the larger sense of fiction), specially like commedia, where the audience is entertained by the combination of different characters, many of whom are unsavory taken alone, but delightful when mixed with each other. This definition implies dialogue involves all of speaking purposes that are not only to fulfill the students’ tasks, but also to improve the students’ fluency in their pronunciation of speaking skill, to make an entertainment, and pleasure condition. To make the activity runs well for the students, the teacher have to guide the students to help them to speak well with good pronunciation and with true grammatical structure. If the students make a mistakes in their speaking after the dialogue. The teacher have to show them the mistakes that they have spoken when their dialogue is going on, so that the students can study from their mistakes. Furthermore, based on the researcher’s observation on December, 4, 2014 with three teachers of the second grade students at SMAN 1 SOLOK, the researcher found that the teachers had applied the dialogue activities in teaching speaking skill. The teacher began the class with the greeting and praying together with the students, then the teacher take the students’ attendance. Then, the teacher presented the lesson and focuses on the dialogue activities, the dialogue is to express the sympathy expression with their pairs. The teacher divided them into a group which consists of 2 or 3 members, after the teacher divided them, the teacher choose one group of them to practice the dialogue in front of the class while the dialogue is going on, the teacher listen to their dialogue and the other group have to pay attention and prepare themselves to practice the dialogue. After they practice their dialogue the teacher correct the mistakes that they have done in their speaking even that the pronunciation or the grammatical structure, so the teacher choose for the second performance and do like what the teacher have done before. Then, the teacher evaluate or take a result of their speaking from their dialogue, accuracy, fluency, pronunciation, grammatical structure, and also their vocabularies. Although the teacher had applied the dialogue activity, the researcher found some problems in students’ speaking skill of their dialogue based on interview teacher and the students from XII of SMAN 1 SOLOK. The first problem is some of the students don’t know how the pronunciation of the vocabularies in the dialogue, they were difficult to sound the word that they have spoken in their dialogue. The second problem is some of the students speak non-fluently because they didn’t have the special time to study about grammar and pronunciation, so that they just speak like what the teacher spoken to them, what they heard from their teacher, they followed. The third problem is the students have less-vocabularies because in their daily day, they don’t use the English language, but they use Indonesian. The last problem is the students don’t have much time to study English, so that some of them can’t practice their dialogue in front of the class. Finally, some of the students were difficult to speak in their dialogue like a native-speaker pronunciation. B. Identification of the Problem Based on the fact above, there are four problems occurred in students’ speaking skill of dialogue activities which can be identified as follow: 1. Some of the students don’t know how the pronunciation of the vocabularies in the dialogue. 2. Some of the students speak non-fluently because they didn’t have the special time to study about grammar and pronunciation. 3. The students have less-vocabularies because in their daily day, they don’t use the English language, but they use Indonesian. 4. Students don’t have much time to study English or the time to study English is limited. C. Limitation of the Problem Based on the problems above, the researcher limits the problem into the effectiveness of using dialogue activities to improve the students’ speaking skill at the second grade students’ of SMA N 1 Solok. This limitation is done to avoid the misunderstanding and also to reach the target of the research effectively. CHAPTER II A. Review of Related Theory 1. Speaking a. The Definition of Speaking Speaking is important in important thing in our daily life because every day we communicate with each other in order to fulfill our needs and social interaction. Speaking is the important skill in building a good communication, it can help people to interact with others. According to Chaney in Kayi, “Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal, and no-verbal symbols, in a variety context. Speaking is the capability of someone to communicate orally with the others individually and group. The one who is skilled in speaking can be identified from his capability in using the oral language fluently, clearly and attractively, so that the listeners become convinced to what the speakers saying. In speaking, the speakers are supposed to have not only the knowledge of language features, but also processing information. As stated by Harmer, “The ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been under evaluated and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. Speaking lessons often tie in pronunciation and grammar which are necessary for effective oral communication. Moreover, speaking only could be done if there are two or more people involved. Both speaker and listener can’t be separated; they are involved actively in an interaction. In addition, spoken language is difficult for language learners effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions. The speaking encourage strategies like asking for clarification, paraphrasing, gestures, and initiating to convey message directly. The aims of teaching speaking English are to make students able to express themselves in English, and mater basic interactive skills such as expressing greetings, feelings, thanks, and apologies in their daily dialogue activity with the others. In other words, students learn to speak fluently and to get an opportunity to speak in the language classroom. b. The Function of Speaking Speaking has many functions in our daily life, as stated Richard there are 3 functions of speaking, these are: 1. Talk as Interaction Talk as interaction refers to what we normally mean by “conversation or “dialogue” and describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they exchange and so, on because they wish to be friendly and to establish comfortable with other. 2. Talk as Transaction Talk as transaction refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is the central focus, rather than the participants and how they interact socially with each other, examples: a) Classroom group discussions and problem-solving activities. b) Making a telephone call to obtain flight information. 3. Talk as Performance This refers to public talk, that is, talk that transmits information before an audience, such as classroom presentations, public announcements, and speeches. Talk as performance tends to be in the form of monitoring rather than dialogue, often follows a recognizable format, and is closer to witten language than conversational language. For example giving a class report about a school trip, giving a speech of welcome, and conducting a class debate. c. The Principles of Teaching Speaking Teaching speaking is important skill in English learning besides listening, writing, and reading skill. Teaching speaking is sometimes considered a simple process Commercial language schools around the world hire people with no training to teach conversation. The teacher has to some principles for teaching speaking to support learning process. According to Nunan, there are principles for teaching speaking as follows : 1) Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts. The teacher needs to consider whether the target language is foreign or second language for the students. If the target is as foreign language for the students, it means that the language is not communicated by the society where the students live. The students don’t have much opportunities to use the target language outside the classroom; they can only practice this foreign language when study it in the classroom. Whereas, if the target language is a second language for the students, the language outside the classroom; they have much opportunities to communicate the target language a second language outside the classroom because it is communicated by the society where the students live. 2) Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy The teacher should provide the students to practice many times and realize that making mistakes is a natural part of learning a new language. Moreover, the teacher also must give the students’ opportunity to develop both fluency and accuracy in speaking. 3) Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talk. By applying pair work or group work activities can be used to increase the amount of the time that learners get to speak in the target language during lessons. The teacher will not speak a lot in the classroom because the students will replace teachers’ position in speaking that is usually filled by the teacher. 4) Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning. Teacher can check students’ understanding, students’ clarifying, and confirming that someone has understood students’ meaning about what by looking at students’ interaction. The teacher may ask the students to repeat or explain about what they have already had during their speaking and conversation to know whether they understand about the conversation or not. 5) Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking. In interactional speaking, the students’ purpose speaking is to have the social relationship with others. Transactional speaking, it involves the communication to get the social purposes. Here, the students need to be able to speak the target language in both transactional and interactional settings. Thus, by looking at the principles in teaching speaking above, the students will know what thay should do in speaking class in order to improve their speaking skill. Besides, the teacher will also know the effective way in teaching speaking for the students. 2. Dialogue a. The Definition of Dialogue Dialogue is an essential ingredient of any intervention directed at changing a situation and is a vital competence for any adviser. Real dialogue can create collectively shared and owned understanding and an agreed direction of effort as well as clarity about divisions of tasks and responsibilities. b. The Purpose of Dialogue In here, there are many purposes of dialogue activity, dialogue activity can improve students’ ability in speaking English. The purposes are: 1. Students can speak fluently in their daily English day. 2. They can share information with one another. 3. Provides structured oral language development for students to practice speaking in front of the classroom. According to Douglas, There are goals of a dialogue can be simply, that is: to reach agreement, to carry out an action, to transfer knowledge from one party to another or to defeat one’s opponent by any means. c. The Types of Dialogue According to Douglas, there are 3 types of dialogue: 1. Persuasion Dialogue Where the goal of each participant is to persuade the other participant of the acceptability of a specific proposition, based on premises that the other participant either already has accepted or can be gotten to accept. One special type of persuasion dialogue is the dispute, where the thesis to be proven of the one participant is the opposite (negation) of thesis of the other. 2. Inquiry Where the goal is to obtain further knowledge in a particular area or on a topic. The inquiry seeks proof or evidence or the establishment of a conclusion based on given evidence which is accepted in a field of inquiry at the original situation. The inquiry is characteristically a hierarchical and orderly search procedure, akin to what Aristotle called a demonstration, where the premises are required to be better known or established than the conclusion which is to be proved. 3. Negotiation A kind of interest-based bargaining, where the goal is for the argue to maximize his own interests, to get the “best deal” possible. Negotiation has little to do with the weighing of logical reasoning to establish knowledge or to justify ideals, values, or convictions. B. Review of Related Studies One of the study dealing with improving speaking was done by The title of this thesis is the effectiveness of using dialogue activities to improve the students’ speaking skill ath the second grade students of SMA N 1 Solok. I conduct this research to improve students’speaking skill by using dialogue activities. The researcher use the other activitiy in this research in order to make it different with the previous research. C. Conceptual Framework Speaking in English as a foreign language is sometime makes the students was difficult to produce the word or the sentence because English is not their language, they usually use their mother language, and also because they don’t stay in English area. Thus, the teacher should give the motivation to the students or the teacher have to make the dialogue activity in class to improve their speaking ability, the function is to make their tonge usually to produce the foreign word or sentence until they can be fluency and accuracy in their speaking ability. Dialogue is the one activity that gives the new experience to the learner to improve the speaking skill, they can interact with their friends with the English, from the dialogue activity they can be more enjoyable, they can know more vocabularies, and it will be more interesting for their speaking. Thus, this research is intended to see the effectiveness of using dialogue to improve the students’ speaking ability. The conceptual framework can be described as follow: The Function of Speaking The Purpose of Dialogue 1. Talk as interaction 2. Talk as transaction 3. Talk as performance The Purpose of Dialogue: 1. Students can speak fluently in their daily English day. 2. They can share information with one another. 3. Provides structured oral language developent for students to practice speaking in front of Is the Dialgue activity still effective to use in the Classroom by the students to improve their speaking ability? CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Design of Research There is the kind of research which will be done by the researcher, the researcher used the qualitative approach. The qualitative research is a kind of research that collects the data in form of the written or the result of the research is organized as a written from observation or interview. The qualitative research is needed the careful analysis it is not based on the hypotheses. As Usman states that the descriptive qualitative is a letter form that related to the written. It is clear that the researcher used the letter and written in order to describe the data about the effectiveness of using dialogue activities to improve the students’ speaking skill. B. Population and Sample Population includes each element from the set of observation that can be involved into group of object which wants to be observed by the researcher or the population is the totality subjects of the research which has the characteristics. According to Sugiono, “population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the results of the study to be generalizable. Then, Arikunto says, “Population is all of the object of the research.” , so population generalization area which consists of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics which are determined by the researcher to be studied and then draw a conclusion. Therefore, the population is not only about the quantity of objects or subjects to be studied, but also includes all of the characteristics which adhere in the objects or subjects. The population of this research is the second grade students in SMA N 1 Solok of 2014/2015 academic year. The researcher choose this school for research, the researcher found some problem of using the dialogue during English learning in student’s speaking skill, eventhough the teacher has applied the dialogue activity in the class. The dialogue activity has been used by teacher in teaching English especially for speaking skill. Sample is a part of population and its amount. The characteristics are the representative of the population. According to Sugiono, “a sample is a part of the total and characteristics that exist in that population.” , so the population and sample are two important elements in doing a research. C. Instrumentation Instrument is a tool that used to collect data. Instrument is one of important sides in a research. The drafting of instrument is important part in the research process because a researcher can get and collect the data which be analyzed by using the proper instrument. As Margono says, “Instrument is the tool to collect data, and the researcher will use this data to make the inferension about individual characteritics, the inferension must be appropriate. In this research the researcher used documentation as instrument. The instrument that used is documentation. Documentation is a technique of data collection by using document. As Arikunto says, “Documentation is search the data about circumstances or variable which is a like notes, transcript, books, newspaper, magazine, prasasti, meeting notes, legger diaries, and etc.” Based on the explanation above the researcher was analyzed the transcript of students’ speaking score from dialogue activity of them by using documentation technique. The grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and also accuracy of their speaking skill in dialogue activity. The students’ score was taken by teacher from oral test in daily activity, midterm, and also in semester final test. The purpose of documentation is to know well the student’s speaking skill. D. Technique of the Data Collection In this research the researcher use some of ways or technique in data collection, that are: 1. Observation As Sugiono said, “Observation is the collection data technique by observing, direct or indirectly about subjects’ indications which is researched.” 2. Communication The way to collect data is by contacting or personal relationship between the data researcher and informant. In this research, the research use “the direct communication”, that is the collection data technique by using interview. • The interview, in this research of collecting the data, the researcher use the interview as the tool of the research. Interview is the tool of the research to collect the information by submitting amounts of questions orally and also to be answered orally. E. Technique of Data Analysis In this research, the researcher used the qualitative analysis. Sugiono said, “Analysis data in qualitative research done before the writer research to the range, and after finishing in range.” After collecting the data, the writer will analyze the data. The analysis data which is used by the writer is the qualitative data acquired from observation. As Bambang related, “This process pass through editing, that is re-research the data or transcriptions to prepare before duplicating it to research report in good language.”

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